Eng & Steel

Engineered Parts & Solutions

Eng&Steel has extensive expertise in the development, design, manufacturing and assembly of metal-based Engineering Systems for industrial applications. We distinguish ourselves by our skill in assisting clients in the early stages of a project, defining the most appropriate parts, components and their manufacturing process. Our direct experience with numerous Chemical Processing projects has prepared us for both the theoretical and practical aspects of executing a technical project.

Facts about this company

Eng & Steel, Lda. is a company engaged in the development, design and manufacture of vertical and horizontal vessels which can be atmospheric or pressurized, hot water boilers, welded/machined parts of machines, industrial piping and tank storage.


Zona Industrial da Mota, Rua nº 8, Lote J 39, Apartado 505,
3834-909 Ílhavo
+351 234 410 015