Portugal Makes Sense Conference Agenda

01.Jun.2022 15:30 GMT+1 Hannover Exhibition Center

Conferences Portugal Makes Sense

30 May

13h00 Energy Technological breakthroughs in Utilities
EDP Renováveis, Galp Energia, REN, Enercon

14h00 Tech Transfer Nuno Mendonça, Univ of Coimbra

14h20 Vocational Training José Novais da Fonseca, CENFIM

14h40 From Deep Sea to Space Tiago Rebelo, CeiiA

15h00 Innovative Textiles António Bráz Costa, CITEVE

15h30 Why Portugal & Germany: Bilateral investment cases in industry

Chairman & CEO, AICEP, Luís Castro Henriques
President, GTAI, Robert Hermann
Case 1: Schmitt, Sohn Elevators, Miguel Leichsenring Franco
Case 2: Omnidea, Nuno Fernandes
Case 3: Critical Manufacturing, Francisco Almada Lobo
Case 4: TeamViewer, Mike Eissele
Moderator: Hans-Joachim Böhmer, AHK Portugal

17h00 Tech centers for the industry, Produtech, Pedro Rocha

17h20 Sines Tech Innovation and Data Center Hub aicep Global Parques, Filipe Costa

31 May

09h00 Technological Partnerships for Success 

Minister of the Economy and Maritime Affairs, A. Costa Silva + Executive Board Member of DIHK, Volker Treier
German Ambassador to Portugal, Martin Ney + Portuguese Ambassador to Germany, F. Ribeiro de Menezes
Case 1: Bosch, Carlos Ribas, Celoplás, João Cortez
Case 2: Siemens, Pedro Pires de Miranda, INTROSYS, Nuno Flores
Case 3: Rocket Factory Augsburg, Jörn Spurmann, CeiiA, Tiago Rebelo
Moderator: Carlos Pacheco, AICEP

11h00 Technological frontiers in renewables 

Secretary of State for Environment and Energy, João Galamba
Univ. Porto, Photovoltaic Energy, Adélio Mendes, P.h.D
Case 1: EDP Renewables, Miguel Stilwell de Andrade
Case 2: GALP, José Veiga de Macedo
Case 3: Fusion Fuel, Nuno Filipe
Case 4: P2X-Europe, Christoph Weber
Moderator: Heiko Staubitz, GTAI

12h30 Digital Solutions Health Cluster Portugal, Patrícia Patrício

13h00 Automation & Robotics
Selmatron, Introsys

14h00 Engineered Parts and Solutions at the core of Portugal’s industrial DNA 

Secretary of State for the Economy, João Neves
Executive Vice President for Innovation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Alexander Kurz
President, AIMMAP, Vítor Neves
Managing Director, Fraunhofer Portugal, Liliana Ferreira
Case 1: ADIRA, Miguel Gil Mata
Case 2: Sonae Capital/Schmidt Light Metal, Patrícia Villas-Boas
Case 3: Leica Portugal, Pedro Oliveira
Moderator: Miguel Franco, AHK Portugal

15h30 Industry 4.0: meet Industry Innovators

General Manager, COTEC, Jorge Portugal

17h00 Startup Portugal Smart Manufacturing Startup
Ecosystem in Portugal

1 June

09:30 Digital Ecosystems
Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative
Modernisation, Mário Campolargo
Managing Director, Fraunhofer Portugal, Liliana Ferreira
Cases: INESC-TEC, Critical Manufacturing, Partnership
Siemens, Infraspeak, Neadvance

11:00 Smart City Startups in Portugal

12:00 Digital
Altice labs, Wavecom, Neadvance, Foodintech

13h00 Industrial equipments
ADIRA, Balanças Marques

13h30 Technical textiles

14:00 Mobility – New energy charging solutions
Minister for Science and Technology, Elvira Fortunato
Cases: REN, Efacec, PRF

15:30 Engineering & Tooling
Secretary of State for Internationalisation,
Bernardo Ivo Cruz
Cefamol, Manuel Oliveira, Centimfe, Rui Tocha
Cases: Iberomoldes, Celoplás, Soplast

17:00 Portuguese-German Journalism Award

18:30 Partner Country Night

2 June

09h30 Autonomous Driving and Connectivity
President, COMPETE 2020, Nuno Mangas
Cases: Bosch, CEiiA, Continental Engineering Solutions

11h00 Portugal as Digital Nation ANETIE

11h30 Portugal Bike Value ABIMOTA

12h00 Electrical products
Metal products

12h30 Electrical products

12h45 – 13h00
Technical Textiles

14h15 Industrial equipments
Balanças Marques

15h30 Role of SMEs in deglobalisation context 

15:30 Role of SMEs in a deglobalisation context
Secretary of State for Internationalisation,
Bernardo Ivo Cruz
CEO IAPMEI, Francisco Sá
Director General of International Markets, BVMW,
Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg
Cases: Soplast, Kegelmann Technik, Infinite Foundry, soft4 Automation GmbH

See the full programme of the fair on the HANNOVER MESSE website.