International Campaign promotes Portuguese Smart Cities

Smart Cities

Aicep Portugal Global is launching an international digital campaign for Smart Cities to promote national projects that aim to attract international investment, providing visibility to innovative initiatives related to smart cities implemented and developed by more than two dozen Portuguese cities and municipalities.

The innovative solutions, supported by information technology, seek to make cities smarter and more sustainable, with zero climate impact, while promoting the well-being of residents. They reflect Portugal’s quality, commitment, and hard work.

The narrative of the digital campaign follows the consumer and communication trends and is based on values that differentiate Portugal’s offer and encourage interest from the international market, such as Sustainability, Know-how, Authenticity, Quality, Design, Innovation and Customization.

The campaign uses in different communication formats, presenting content and themes considered strategic, according to the target markets, through various media outlets. It was born under the brand identity Portugal Makes Sense, created to ensure the perception of Portugal as an innovative country, creating projects that improve the quality of life and contribute to a more sustainable future, with neutral impact on climate change.